Practice Locations: Central London W1, Hampstead NW3,
Walking Therapy in Hampstead Heath, Regents Park, & Hyde Park

“The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind”
William James

Good therapy can be human alchemy, it is all about the relationship. I am a believer in catharsis, evolution and provide a warm and non judgemental space.
I specialise in working with both couples and individuals with a focus on relationships. Relationships are so critical not just with partners but with family, friends, colleagues.

It's so much better to reach out than keep staying stuck in a cycle hoping things will change. Please read my testimonials to get a flavour of who I am and how I work. Finding the right therapist for you personally is absolutely fundamental to gaining a positive outcome, because so much of it is down to the relationship you build together. For me it's about being honest, warm, perhaps challenging, but always prioritising trust. Like all good relationships the therapeutic relationship needs to offer a place where you can feel seen, heard and understood. As a therapist what I need is your commitment, the honesty to reveal the things you maybe don't even want to admit to yourself and finally, your engagement.
I'm a believer in catharsis, evolution, seeing my clients shift is incredible, you learn that even breaking may be an important part of shifting to a better place in life. Perhaps something has happened that is prompting a reassessment, or you simply can no longer avoid the thing that is keeping you stuck in your life or relationship. Identity feels so very fundamental at points like this, gaining a sense of who you are, what you want from life and most importantly how you get it. Therapy really is about trying to make some sense, gain clarity, and start to work from a place of feeling more anchored. I find this work is a privilege because I get to see evolution, it often doesn't come easily, but it's genuinely uplifting when understanding and awareness emerges and behaviour changes to create new outcomes.
One thing that is unchanged is that good therapy can be like a form of human alchemy. At the heart of the work is a relationship, so finding someone you trust is really important.
When I work with couples as well as sessions together, I find it is vital to also work individually. This process enables me to understand more fully what is happening for each person and thus hold that context in the work together. Individual work may sometimes be offered as walking therapy sessions as an alternative to being in my practice rooms. This can be a great way to process, it can also offer space, in a life often crowded with demands, and it can lend perspective. The changing seasons can mirror your own change and act as a reminder of evolution. It is about personal choice, some find being outside offers clarity, others need the focus of the room.
At the moment my work is in person on Tuesdays from lovely Therapy Rooms in Fitzrovia near Charlotte Street (Northern, Elizabeth, Central, Metropolitan and Victoria lines), and online or in Hampstead NW3 (Overground, Northern Line). I offer a relaxed, confidential space for you to explore what is troubling you.
Alternatively I offer Walking Therapy on Hampstead Heath, Regents Park and Primrose Hill. This has always been part of my practice because as mentioned above for some there is something in our wellbeing to be gained just from being outside.